Looks nice, Thank you. I was just finishing up the same thing with tabs on the edges to make them modular/add on friendly.
Spencer Langfitt - 5 years ago
you wouldn't happen to have finished that one your working on, would you, id love to see it if you have!
Rob D Sanders - 5 years ago
Interested to see if this was finished as well
Glenn Dube - 5 years ago
How do you use the parts? Are the holes for clamps? I've always had just flat tables. Now I see the strips make framing for the bottom to keep it all flat. Nice I'll make one for us too welding on the floor sucks heh
James Jackson - 5 years ago
What thickness of material is recommended for this file? Thank you for sharing this!
paul aguilar - 5 years ago
How can i open this in Fusion 360? I have read that you have to insert dfx file but i can't evern unzip the file.
Is there another program i need?
Corey - 5 years ago
Thank you for sharing this design
James - 5 years ago
What would it take to double the size of this?
Matthew - 4 years ago
Have you finished one yet? Have pics? I'm going to cut some but I'd like to see one.?
Spencer Langfitt - 5 years ago