Here is a 3D woodpecker, If you have the ability to weld the two sides together along the top of the beak and feet to the bracket it looks great or you can cut one of the single versions. Jim
Creative Commons - Attribution
You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially,
as long as you credit James Mersereau for the original creation.
How is he put together? Do you have to weld him or just put him in the bracket?
James Mersereau (OP) - 3 years ago
If you have the ability to weld the two sides together along the top of the beak and feet to the bracket it looks great or you can cut one of the single versions. Jim
Danny Thomas - 2 years ago
Are these no longer available to download? Thanks
Larry Bjustrom - 1 year ago
Evan - 1 year ago
Just wondering why in the dxf file when you bring it in to fushion it doesn't see the lines as continuous. I am by no means a CAD expert, but what am I missing?
I'd love to cut this but, I can't currently as it won't see the lines as one cut. :(
Jeremy G. - 1 year ago
When you select your lines in Fusion, you have the option to select lines in a "chain." Try that.
James Mersereau (OP) - 3 years ago