I created one of these originally with tin snips and some 22ga aluminum and have been using it almost since I started with the table 2 years ago and its proven itself invaluable. Now i've created an actual file, cut it properly from 22ga aluminum and am making it available to all who have the crossfire table. It shields the entire gantry bearing assembly and the Y axis rail from splashes and particles, virtually eliminating the contamination of the bearings and keeps everything nice and tidy and running smoothly. I used two 1/2" aluminum magnets to hold it in place on the bearing housing flange as shown in the pictures. Gorilla tape over the magnets holds them in place and makes cleaning steel dust that adheres to them easily rinsed off when periodic cleaning is completed. It easily slips off and re-installs in seconds. Simply cut this file from 22ga aluminum, bend the two sections back along the relief cuts up to 90 degrees, place magnets and cover them with tape and voila!
2 years ago
Crossfire 2x2 OG shield shields