Dragonfly mosaic Art

9 Like
Cut Ready for

FireControl  [IHS/THC]

This project is ready to be cut on a CrossFire CNC Machine.
Input your own cut settings on download to customize this file for your specific project.


This is a beautiful art piece that I found on the internet. I would recommend that you should use 16-18 gauge steel to have the warped wing effect.

Creative Commons - Attribution

You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as you credit Jim's metal creations for the original creation.


1 month ago





  • dragonfly.nc
  • drawing dragonfly.svg
  • Jim's metal creations (OP) - 1 month ago
    Please give me your opinion as this is my first time making art pieces.

    Bret - 2 days ago
    Jim, definitely a nice design and thanks for sharing, but the detail is too fine unless someone cuts it on a very large scale. A laser cut might be okay, but for plasma there are just got too many very small features.

  • Aaron Parness - 3 weeks ago
    amazing! can't wait to try it.

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