Filing cabinet Welding Cart Tools

7 Like

Turn that old filing cabinet from your office into a usable welding cart that you can store and organize your consumables and welding hood in to keep it from getting dusty when not in use, and store your TIG wire all in one cart. You may have to modify the base plate to suit your cabinet, but the rest of the dimensions should work fine for just about any cabinet

Creative Commons - Attribution

You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as you credit Mike Paniagua for the original creation.


3 months ago






welding cart

  • IMG_8132.jpeg
  • IMG_8131.jpeg
  • IMG_8097.jpeg
  • welding cart sheet metal v3.dxf
  • James Mersereau - 3 months ago
    I like the idea and your design looks great. Thanks for sharing! James Clough shared a bottle support, . I think a single tank version of his design along with yours would be perfect.

    Mike Paniagua (OP) - 1 week ago
    thanks for sharing the bottle anchor. I made a bottle strap that keeps the bottle from moving around, but the anchor would make a better final product than just the strap here's a video of the strap i used

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