This is a panel that I have modified (noclinkers posted this originally to PlasmaSpider) and cleaned up to suit my customers needs, 30" wide and ~8.25" high.
Creative Commons - Attribution
You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially,
as long as you credit James Mersereau for the original creation.
3 years ago
Panel sign good wine friends family grapeswall art
I would love to know if the lettering is from a font. I think I've seen something like that, but now I can't find it. The piece is absolutely beautiful. I'm making a dog leash hanger for a friend and I can't quite get the lettering right. Any assistance would be appreciated.
James Mersereau (OP) - 4 months ago
Sorry for the late response, this site does not send a notice of a comment to the OP.
I used the 'Bell MT' and added my own bridging.
James Mersereau (OP) - 4 months ago