indy fire pit Outdoor

4 Like
Cut Ready for

FireControl  [IHS/THC]

This project is ready to be cut on a CrossFire CNC Machine.
Input your own cut settings on download to customize this file for your specific project.


indy fire pit

Creative Commons - Attribution

You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as you credit kipp maxwell for the original creation.


1 month ago





  • indy pit v9.tap
  • Bret - 4 weeks ago
    Hey Kipp, if you are an Indy 500 fan, I have a file for a multi layered sign I've made. I haven't posted here because of potential copyright issues. If you are interested let me know and I will post for a day and then delete it after you download it.

    kipp maxwell (OP) - 3 weeks ago

    Bret - 3 weeks ago
    Okay. I'll post it tomorrow around lunch to give you time to see this message. If that doesn't work for you, let me know. I'll leave it until Monday morning.

    kipp maxwell (OP) - 3 weeks ago
    That will work! Thank you!

    kipp maxwell (OP) - 3 weeks ago
    got it thank you!!

  • Brian ferrell - 2 weeks ago
    have a dxf file or this?

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