Kindling Splitter - Two Ply Outdoor

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This is my version of a two ply kindling splitter. Cut from 1/4" plate, it gets welded together at the tabs and slots. You will need two 12mm x 35mm stainless steel bolts and nuts and two 12mm x 25mm stainless steel bolts and nuts to bolt it together. The "knife" edge gets sharpened and has a washer on each side of it, in between the two sides. At the bottom, three of the washers get bolted between the two sides. You can screw it to the wall or a tree, or you can use ratchet straps to temporarily hold to a tree. If you resize it remember to adjust the tabs, slots and bolt holes afterwards.

Creative Commons - Attribution

You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as you credit James Mersereau for the original creation.


6 months ago






Splitter kindling wood camp camping fire

  • Kindling Splitter.png
  • Kindling Splitter.dxf
  • Kindling Splitter.svg
  • Kindling Splitter Explained.png
  • MartyY - 6 months ago
    Cut this today. Still have to weld and waiting on hardware. Thanks James.

    James Mersereau (OP) - 6 months ago
    Glad you like it!

  • David - 2 weeks ago
    These never dl for me correctly. The DFX wont load into Fusion , cannot find the SVG.

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