MR-1 Clamp Set Storage and Tool Staging Tray Tools

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Two different 3D prints for MR-1 components. The Fixture Storage Tray easily stores all of the components from the Toe Clamp Set so that they can be accessed or organized. Also has a little tray for the base plate plugs for when they are removed and need to be reinstalled. The Tool Storage is for staging cutting tools, collets and the collet nuts for machining a part. Having additional collet nuts makes tool changes requiring different collets quicker and then you can organize your tools in order to prevent accidents from loading the wrong cutting tool. Both *png files need to be converted to *stp to open the 3D model for printing.

Creative Commons - Attribution

You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as you credit Jeff Wills for the original creation.


7 months ago





  • Fixture Storage.jpg
  • Tool Storage.jpg
  • Fixture Storage Print.png
  • Tool Storage.png

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