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Cut Ready for

FireControl  [IHS/THC]

This project is ready to be cut on a CrossFire CNC Machine.
Input your own cut settings on download to customize this file for your specific project.


Nutcracker design with family name.

Creative Commons - Attribution

You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as you credit Ron Beamon for the original creation.


1 week ago





  • Rose Nutcracker.nc
  • James Mersereau - 1 day ago
    Thanks for sharing the design. For items like this that are already personalized with a name, and only shared as cut ready, the audience is limited. If your intent is to actually share the design for others to use, I would suggest including a dxf and/or svg version. I recreated your design here... https://www.langmuirsystems.com/fireshare/nutcracker-remix-dxf-and-svg as a dxf, I hope you don't mind. It isn't exact, but close.

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