Pointed Slats for Crossfire Pro, 34" long, will not fit standard Crossfire as those slats can only be 33" long. These help eliminate the problem of the straight slats when straight cuts line up right on top of a slat and mess up your part. Also straight slats tend to build up a ton of slag and constantly create an uneven work surface so your sheet rarely sits flat. The Crossfire Pro uses 16 total slats, I chose to keep the straight slats on the far edges on both sides to help keep sparks and water from splashing over onto the gantry arms and down onto the computer box. DXF file has 5 slats so you can run the program 3 times and give your machine a cool down between each run if you are using a smaller machine. Recommend to cut them out of 11ga (1/8") material to match the factory slat holder.
4 years ago
Todd Kelch - 2 years ago