I was recently given 2 scuba tanks by a neighbor moving. Unfourently I keep most of my scuba gear in Flordia (I live in Pennsylvania) since I'm not a big fan of diving in cold water or water so murky you can't even see your hand. However, before I took all my gear down south I use to love having the ability to have people try out diving for the first time in a pool. I happen to have some older regulators laying around that I would never take on a "real" dive but they will do for screwing around in the pool. So I placed an order for what I thought was a backplate and straps... Well, the picture and description were very deserving. All I got were the webbing and hardware. I could have just ordered the correct plate and been done with it, But I have a crossfire pro! Instead of spending $135 on a metal plate, I made one for what maybe $10 in steel.. Granite the original plate is Stainless for just messing around in the pool steel will be fine. I started off by finding a plate to go off of. I chose a Dive Rite Plate which had overall dimensions of 11x15" and just made some educated guess on the rest of the hole and slot size/locations. I guess I could have just left the plate flat and it probably would work... But I just got a new metal brake so I figure id put the bends in it. I dont recall the exact dimensions on the bends but they are all 20degs. Steel used was 12g Hot rolled
4 years ago
Scuba Diving