I tried to upload one these and to big it was over 180" between where you you put the last name I tried to make it small but didn't have any luck is there a way to make it smaller. Thanks
Tom Johnson - 6 years ago
Scale Feature. Works great. Search Fusion 360 how to use scale. Reduce size before adding name. You will have to explode text to attach it.
Chris Sowell - 6 years ago
I did the scale feature and it worked great but I can’t get it to generate a tool path
Tom Johnson - 6 years ago
Hey Rob Thanks for doing these. They are great! Although, I am not selling these I would contribute. Thanks again
karen Pimental - 6 years ago
HI Rob, can you tell us what font the letters are? or any suggestions on what font looks/fits well with them. Thanks
Cameron Stauffer - 5 years ago
i just found these letters. i havent been through all the fonts but ive found that Bodoni MT, Book Antiqua, Cambria, Century, And Javanese Text all look good with this.
lisa Lange - 4 years ago
Thank you Rob! We just did one today! How can i upload a picture to show you?
marvin - 4 years ago
rob email me please I am having some difficulty. rek1at@aol.com
Herb Gould - 4 years ago
using qcad how do you merge the name text with the block monogram?
Tom Johnson - 6 years ago
Chris Sowell - 6 years ago