All my welding tools used to be pilled up in a plastic milk case sitting on the floor, always in the way ! Obvioully, the tool you need is on the bottom. Decided to built a small foot print shelve cart and added to it the "Tig rod tubes holder" I always wanted to do. I work on my hobby in a very narrow space, my backyard shed actually. I used 1.5" PVC pipes. I had to widden the pvc couplers on one end by a few mils on my small lathe to allow the caps to slide on and off without sticking. Now, all my tig rods are stored neetly and at harms lenght to reach. Once the holes were cleaned with a sanding drum monted on a portable drill, the PVC fittings slided right trough without slop.
2 years ago
Tig welding cart