Plasma Cutter cover to go with the Shelf along with a Controller Cover. Cut from 20ga Stainless and drilled and tapped mounting screws. Feel free to modify as you see fit.
Creative Commons - Attribution
You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially,
as long as you credit James Limbaugh for the original creation.
Thanks, beat me to the punch, ... you noticed water splashing on stuff too hey :)...cheers
MartyY - 2 years ago
Just cut this out of 18ga mild steel today. Went with a hammered silver paint and it is drying as I type. Been running for months with just a piece of plastic draped over the box and a few scraps for weight to hold it down. Thank you!
James Limbaugh (OP) - 2 years ago
Glad you like it ,Happy cutting
Rob Weinstein - 5 months ago
My first day doing test cuts and I kept looking at the box and all the water thinking there’s no way that will stay dry and clean. Thanks. One of my first projects on the way.
James Limbaugh (OP) - 2 years ago