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Billy Hein
Member since May 26, 2023
turbo smart waste gate wrench
by Billy Hein
Projects Shared
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1/4” Hole Flat Weld Tab ½” Standoff
by weld_fanatic
1/4” Hole Flat Weld Tab 3/4” Standoff
by weld_fanatic
1/4” Hole Flat Weld Tab 1” Standoff
by weld_fanatic
1/4” Hole Flat Weld Tab 1-1/4"” Standoff
by weld_fanatic
Cat and Mouse Door Toppers
by Langmuir Systems
Torch Shield for Xfire
by JB Lefebvre
15.67" Saw Blade
by Dustin Starling
by Brian
Tube Clamp
by Wyatt Lassiter
Mountain Silhouette Address Plaque
by Kevin Erickson
by Christopher Corpus
10 Inch Welding Fixture (Weld Together Project)
by Matthew Russo
Phoenix rising from the ashes
by Bob Reynolds
by bryan Shelton
Bass Fish
by Wade Starkenburg
Bottle Opener Blank
by Kevin Erickson
Porta-band saw table
by James Jackson
2 inch square tube bracket
by Larry
21x21 Welding Table
by Ty Schwulst
Punisher American Flag
by Todd Kelch
by Martin Simard
Mopar Skull Hood Prop
by Kevin Erickson
mud flap
by Mat Nimmo
Wall mount grinder rack - with storage
by Matthew T Mead
47mm Castor and Drain Plug Wrench
by William Cross
Cordless Drill Wall Holder
by Mike Jackson
Cordless Drill caddy
by David Frey
by Jared Miller
sheet alignment tool
by jesse haskins
by Chris Clark
by Tad Fairley
by Tad Fairley
skid steer
by naudydave
T4 Turbo Flange
by Jordan Beukema
'52 Ford F1 Truck
by Mo
Magic Welding Square
by Jordan Beukema
Stripper Girl
by C.B.
by Doug Groves
RPC Fab Shop
by Peter Elliott Schneider
Angle Grinder Hanger
by Cletus
paint rack and glove dispenser
by David Frey
Cordless Drill Holder DXF File - scale corrected
by Mike Jackson
Metal Dice
by DogCreekCustoms
by James Mersereau
You're a piece of me
by DogCreekCustoms
Bear Wall Art 2
by James Mersereau
Three Gnomes with Hearts
by James Mersereau
mountain address sign
by Cyrus
Horse Welcome Sign
by Robert Stadelmaier
Bear Mountain Sign
by Robert Stadelmaier
Cut Ready Poop Emoji
by Full 20 Fabrication
Wall Art Hunting
by James Mersereau
Beer sign
by Todd Wagner
Magbase Angle Grinder Stand
by John Bourg
Busch Beer sign
by Andy
f it
by dave burnham
Drill Storage LARGE
by Portagee Customs
Dewalt 20v Battery Holder
by Andy
Bush Light Sign
by Castle Welding
by Alex
12x12 Welding Square
by tom bates
Camaro Flag
by DoomwoodUSA
US flag with Semi
by DoomwoodUSA
Christmas Truck design
by DoomwoodUSA
This is a camping site sign I made for a friend and his family. Customize as needed
by James Mersereau
by George
Hammer Holder
by Austin
Flag with Eagle
by Doug Groves
Excavation Company sign
by Jim Bibler
Indian Motorcycles
by Mike M
Hardly Number Onc
by DogCreekCustoms
6in Oval tail ight gaurd
by Matthew Coppersmith
M18 Locking Battery Holder
by Aaron Johnson
M12 Battery Holder v2
by Aaron Johnson
by Neil Bernard
by dennis l perry
Spray can holder
by Scott Dube
Small Block Chevy Engine Lift Plate
by Joshua Dowies
Blank Bottle Opener
by Scotty the Car Dude
4x4 Bottle Opener
by Scotty the Car Dude
Wall Mount Grinder and Accessories Holder
by Robert Kibby
by chris anaya
Indian Motorcycle Remix
by Bret
Jumping fish sign
by Craig Honeysett
Tri axle dump truck with exteme detail.
by dylan hinesly
Universal Trailer brake socket bracket
by Frank L
Wine EKG
by CutlerCustomsLLC
cool cuts
by bryan
by james`
Peterbilt Emblem
by Jason Ward
John Deere 9770 Combine
by Jason Ward
Simple wall shelves
by Don P.
by cooper
Letters and numbers
by Don P.
walleye - fish
by Don P.
F - It before...
by Don P.
A - G states
by Don P.
M states
by Don P.
N states
by Don P.
O-U States
by Don P.
Cubs with mother bear on hand saw
by Don P.
Plasma Cutter Shelf/Stand, 16in on center out of 16ga steel
by Cary
Dewalt Tool and Battery Holder
by Derek Noe
Deer scene monogram
by Tin Man Metal Works / Charles Woten
Cummins Plate DXF File
by Bret
Bass out of water
by Brandon Hirn
Table Top Rose
by Shawn
Rose in full bloom
by Don P.
C10 truck
by Don P.
tattered flag
by Chris Tyndall
Boy with Sunflowers
by Don P.
Grinch, Baby Grinch, Jack, Baby Grinch and Baby Jack, Halloween, x mas, Christmas
by Tin Man Metal Works / Charles Woten
Fire Exsinguser
by Jordan Beukema
camping, x mas, fall, x mas file, tin man metal works
by Tin Man Metal Works / Charles Woten
Ford logo
by Custom Ironworks
by Custom Ironworks
Hand Torch Shield 95 ipm .8 penetration for 35 amps on a PrimeWeld Cut60
by Michael Pittinger Sr.
by Custom Ironworks
kenworth logo
by Custom Ironworks
Milwaukee charging station
by travis
KW Front
by Kurt Ball
svg included
by OldNBroken
by Thomas Houston
by gerald stoll
by gerald stoll
by gerald stoll
John Deere Sign
Valentine Copper Rose
by Ed Elser
Lilly Trellace
by Derrick
Heart sign with names
by Don P.
baseball sign
by Kevin D Blanton
Mustang car with lettering
by Logan
by Benedikt Eberharter
John Deere 35G Mini Excavator for sign
by James Mersereau
Wheeled Skidsteer for sign
by James Mersereau
John Deere 35G Mini Excavator for sign with Less Detail
by James Mersereau
Excavation Sign
by James Mersereau
Texaco Sign
by James Mersereau
John Deere License Plate
by woodpecker
pika pika
by Cameron D Trent
Duplex receptacle cover plate US style
by woodpecker
Mt. Shasta with Mule Deer .svg file
by Bret Barnes
Saw blade welcome sign
by Bret Barnes
by juan serratos
by juan serratos
Cow Head
by James Mersereau
Buck with a Windmill
by James Mersereau
Large Mouth Bass Sign
by James Mersereau
subaru logo
by jeremiah strong
MOPAR Skull 271.9mm x 372.8mm
by Kiwi cnc
Dad's Workshop Sign
by James Mersereau
Dad's Garage Sign
by James Mersereau
Dog Paw Prints Leash Holder
by James Mersereau
Jeep Garage
by Bret
American Flag Eagle DXF File
by chris yops
by chris yops
Wrench Fist Monogram
by chris yops
Fancy Harley Key Rack
by DogCreekCustoms
Wood Saw
by Derek Helmke
Wood Saw - Empty
by James Mersereau
USA Tattered Flag
by James Mersereau
Chiefs Script Arrow
by John S Downs
HF 20t Jack thumbscrew
by chris
by Tyler
welding tank hooks for 9" tank with 4.5" diameter bung
by william fridley
Ski goggles
by Benjamin Groce
Let It Snow Metal Sign
by chris yops
Skull Piston
by James Mersereau
Colorado Remix .svg files
by James Ladtkow
Indian Logo
by secti8n
heineken example with bridge
by secti8n
Indian Moto
by DogCreekCustoms
Universal Offroad Bumper
by Nathan Lillie
Rose in Heart
by James Mersereau
Notes on a Guitar
by James Mersereau
Indian Logo Moto
by DogCreekCustoms
rapala lure
by Custom Ironworks
US Flag
by Michael Taylor
Baseball Helmet and Bat Hanger
by James Mersereau
joker jopker joker
by drew woolsey
Three Legged Shop Stool - DXF, SVG and Cut Ready Files
by James Mersereau
Hose Holder
by Adam conner